Taking conference calls from the car and other work-from-home tips

With so many across the country now working from home, the Internet is replete with work-from-home tips. But with many of our newly-remote co-workers being engineers and scientists, we reached out to see if they have any creative recommendations. Here are some of our favorites: 

  1. Need peace and quiet when you have kids at home? Noise-canceling headphones work. And if you need to take a call, go to your car.  Working from home with kids has its trials, but there are also sweet rewards.  Jamal, one of our project managers told us his five-year-old gave him a big compliment: “Dad, you are a hard worker!”
  2. Is your laptop screen too small?  Convert your TV into a monitor – and don’t turn on Netflix.
  3. Make sure to get plenty of natural light. Set up your workspace near a window because light makes you feel more awake and energized to stay productive.
  4. Get rid of the personal.  Remove bills and home to-do lists off your desk to keep you focused on work.
  5. Got the munchies?  Place a yoga mat in front of your kitchen. Do 10 pushups before entering to keep yourself from overindulging.
  6. Homeschooling?  Alternate with your spouse or partner.  When one cooks, have the other supervise the kids’ lesson plans.
    It also helps to keep it light. Richard, one of our engineers, makes working at home a game with his kids, whom he promoted to “co-workers.” He has them do small office tasks and takes them to “lunch” in the kitchen. He also does silly things like wear a tie with a sweatshirt to keep them amused.
  7. Use the extra time to take LinkedIn courses to learn new skills.
  8. Don’t underestimate how important it is to set up an ergonomic workspace so you can avoid backaches, eyestrains, and sore wrists.
  9. While some swear by dressing as though they were going to the office, others suggest wearing comfortable clothes so you can sneak in a walk during the middle of the day.
  10. And finally, everyone agrees that getting outside — walking, tennis, jogging, hiking —  is helping people keep sane during these trying times.
